Preventing and Curing Lyme Disease
We deal with chronic lyme daily in my house so this morning I watched day 1 of the Best Of Chronic Lyme Disease Summit with interest. I was excited to see some of the strategies we've used in our family now being discussed by more doctors!
And thus started our journey.
To infectious disease, to the cardiologist, to the GPs, to the NDs, to the books, to the ILADS vs IDSA guidelines, to the lyme stories, to the antibiotics, to the herbs, tinctures & homeopathics, to the metals, microbes & nutrients, to genes and co-infections, to the questions and the controversy...
… this has been our journey into the mess that is chronic lyme disease.
I think knowledge is power with this one. Lyme is something we all need to know about so we know how to stay safe and how to talk to our doctors about it. This is why I've been spreading news about the Chronic Lyme Disease Summit.
Some highlights from the first day of talks....
Dr Klinghardt explained that when he uses ultrasound to push these bugs into the blood and then tests, he finds that chronic lyme disease is actually more common than breast cancer!
When asked why lyme is becoming such a big issue now he pointed the finger at aluminum which functions as a growth medium. He's finding in his patients that when he gets aluminum load down his treatment works better. Cilantro tincture is one of his favourite tools. You can learn more about the importance of detox for our kids in this interview with one of our lyme doctors.
The question of why lyme is now such a problem was also asked of Dr Amy Derksen ND (who opened her toolbox wide for us all to see and had some great ideas specifically for kids!).
Dr Derksen's point was that lyme has been around for centuries but that it is opportunistic. I jumped for joy when I heard her say that lyme treatment is not all about killing the bugs; it's also about raising the resilience of the body.
She confirmed what I've also suspected, which is that kids become susceptible to lyme and co-infections when their immune function is sluggish and is easily hijacked (learn more about boosting immune function in this post).
One of the best things you can do to protect your child is support their immune function, correct nutritional deficiencies and support their detoxification pathways (including dealing with that stubborn constipation!!).
I'm sure the rest of this lyme summit is going to be fantastic. We can talk about it over in our Raising Resilience Community here.
I look forward to hearing more about...
- the influence of diet
- the contribution of mould
- the variety of symptoms that could be related
- the impact of co-infections
- how parasites are connected
- how lyme effects the mitochondria
I think we'll get some good, solid strategy and knowledge from this. It runs from April 15-21, 2019 and you can sign up here.