The Roadmap To Resilient Kids

Calmer Days.  Fewer Battles. Better Health. 

Our members are helping their anxious, moody kids find
health, resilience, calm & success. supporting them from the inside out. 


Imagine Dramatically Reducing...

  • Anxiety, Worry, Phobias

  • Frustration, Anger, Tantrums

  • Trouble at school & Phone calls home

  • Battles, conflict, stress

  • Picky eating, food stress, decision fatigue

  • ADHD symptoms

  • Itchy irritated skin

While Also Improving...


  • Sleep

  • Poops

  • Focus

  • Connection

  • Calm


...Using natural strategies that feel good as a parent and without spending thousands of hours and dollars with doctors & therapists


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Roadmap To Resilient Kids

We're raising resilient kids from the inside out!

Our Approach To Raising Kids Is Like None Other


The latest science shows us that health & resilience involve the mind, body, and environment.  

We show you how to merge nutrition tactics, parenting strategies & functional lab testing to create the right environment around your kids, and a robust environment inside them.

Truth is... 

  • A yeasty kid won't sit still 
  • A constipated kid won't sleep well
  • If cells are hungry the brain won't work its best
  • Nutrients make the immune system work
  • Toxins interfere with mood 

Body - Mind - Child.
We start with the body to ease the mind and raise a truly resilient child.


Resilient Kids:

  • Grow from stressful situations. 
  • Have emotional flexibility when faced with a challenge.
  • Approach the unexpected with a growth mindset.
  • Have strong, robust immune health.
  • Have strong appetites and know to nourish their bodies.
  • Have stable weight and energy. 
  • Make constructive decisions to support their goals. 
  • Sleep soundly and feel well-rested.
  • Feel a strong sense of connection and safety.
  • Are ready to learn and able to grow.
  • Can accept failure and learn from mistakes.

Guided by the principles of functional nutrition, attachment parenting, and deep nourishment our members feel strategic, calm, and confident as the CEOs of their families.


Some of what we help members with

Kids Nutrition  

  • Set up your kitchen with great foods for the brain and learn to get them into your kids
  • Learn about key nutrients 
  • Identify deficiency
  • Navigate special diet needs & food sensitivities

Gut Health

  • Foster a positive gut-brain connection
  • Access gut-restoring protocols and advice
  • Overcome tummy pain and constipation
  • Optimize digestion from tip to tail
  • Support immune health through the microbiome!


  • Bust through picky eating behavior and dig up the roots of sensory issues 
  • Expand your child's pallet
  • End the dinner-time battles


  • Maximize restorative sleep
  • Ease nightmares and night waking
  • Resolve bed-wetting


  • Access a number of functional lab tests and expert reviews to see what's going on deep inside the body
  • Uncover which of the top 5 hidden biological stressors might be keeping your child stuck 
  • Know when to test and when to save your money


  • Understand your child's genetic strengths and vulnerabilities
  • Use their genetic blueprint to understand their tendencies and create your parenting toolbox

Modern Parenting

  • Improve your stress capacity so you show up as your best self for your kids and can find your cool in stressful situations
  • Learn to stand your ground while also reducing conflict
  • Step into your authority while fostering connection 
  • Understand your kids from the inside out so you know exactly what they need (rather than getting triggered by them!)


  • Learn what helps & what's a waste of money
  • Use amino acids and nutrients with kids to calm the mind and enhance sleep
  • Know when to supplement and when to focus on food
  • Understand the benefits and limits of testing when it comes to nutrients
  • Access professional quality products for stronger mental and physical health
  • Learn to dose and titrate supplements for your kids

Mind-Body Support

  • Understand stored trauma
  • Learn to keep your cool under stress
  • Basic somatic support for you and your kids


  • Learn to avoid "greenwashing" and focus on what matters
  • Spend your money wisely
  • Understand labels and lies
  • Clean up the air and water in your home


You're going to




Our entire 3-Phase Roadmap curriculum is recorded so you can walk through it in your own time. Learn to apply the 5 Core Nourishment Needs and identify the 5 Main Stressors that keep kids stuck in bite-sized through audio & visual lessons that are totally do-able. We'll support you as you go so you understand the why behind every what.


Curated with busy families in mind these help nourish the body and brain. We've included general Recipes For Resilience as well as recipes for special diets like low allergen, low histamine, gluten-free, nut-free etc and advice on when to try them. PLUS we've included special recipes for sensitive tummies and young athletes!


We believe that part of our parenting job is to teach our kids how to nourish their bodies. Our graphics help them know how to fuel their bodies and minds, support a healthy weight, and what to focus on. Use these to facilitate conversations with them about their choices. 


Our members can access a number of functional lab tests if they need them to see if things like food reactions, nutrient imbalance, toxins, gut bugs and more are running interference. We advise members on how best to invest in these, if they're needed, and what to do about results.


We continue to invite amazing practitioners and parents to teach about their expertise, so you better understand your kids and opportunities available to help them. Some topics already in the vault are: using essential oils, nontoxic living, management of PANS, understanding trauma... and so much more! 


Join our private Chat thread to connect directly with Jess, our coaches, and community. Plus we hold live group calls on Zoom every week. Get your questions answered, celebrate your wins, connect, and work through your stumbling blocks. Purchase private sessions at our member rate if you need them.



We've seen what Works So
Stop Wasting Time on things that don't


You can have exactly what you want for your family.

Just follow our Roadmap.


 For As Low As $60/Month You Get Full Access To  All Our Resources Including...


To help you save hours of searching and wondering.


  • Digestive Care Guide for better gut health
  • Dysbiosis Action Plan
  • Colon cleanout
  • Nutritional targets for kids
  • Calming the mind using Amino Acids
  • Detox & Drainage Checklist
  • Parasite Guide
  • Better Sleep Guide
  • Immune support
  • Getting Ferments Into Your Kids guide
  • Teaching Kids To Swallow Capsules
  • ...And so much more!

We partner with exceptional doctors, parents, and experts, to bring you the latest tools and tactics.

Already in the vault:

  • The Biology Of Trauma with Dr Aimie Apigian MD
  • A Whole Body Approach to Learning Disorders with Educational Therapist Lorraine Driscoll
  • Genetics, Epigenetics & Nutrigenomics with Dr Erika Gray PharmD
  • PANS/PANDAS; How Infection Impacts Behavior with Dr Zendi Moldenhauer PhD, NP
  • Returning To Calm Using Somatic Experiencing Techniques with Dr Aimie Apigian MD
  • Drainage & Detoxification with Dr Jesse Pierce ND
  • Using Essential Oils with Jodi Cohen of Vibrant Blue Oils
  • Rhythmic Movement and Retained Reflexes with Sonia Story from MovePlayThrive
  • Keeping Chemicals Out with author Tonya Harris
  • The Power Of Plants & How To Get Them Into Your Kids with Lexy Feinstein
  • Designing Calm Spaces with interior designer Dana Denning
  • Neuroplasticity & Rewiring Dyslexia with Dr Rebecca Troy PhD
  • Basic Home Fermentation with Jess Sherman
  • Fostering Attachment in High-Needs Kids Without Burning Out with Todd Sarner of Transformative Parenting
  • Understanding the dance between perimenopause and teen hormones with Christine Maccarroll

... Plus more to come! Our workshops help you understand your kids and are packed with gold nuggets and gems you can use right away!

Join Now To Get Our...


For More...


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And just who will be guiding you through this Roadmap? 

Me! I'm Jess

I'm a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner board certified in practical holistic nutrition with a master's degree in education. I'm also the author of the best-selling book, Raising Resilience; take the stress out of feeding your family & love your life. 

For over 20 years I've helped struggling kids feel and function better. 

The number of times parents tell me, "I wish someone had told me this years ago" is what keeps me doing what I do - helping families find natural solutions when their kids are struggling with health, mood and learning.

Your child might be struggling right now, they might have a diagnosis (or not), it might feel like they're sucking the oxygen out of your family... but they are not broken.

I want you to understand your child and get crystal clear about how to support them.

Plus, as a mom of three, I know what it means to be a busy mom who just wants her kids to be healthy.  

Jen Gillean

Clinical Herbalist and Yoga Therapist

Jen brings her experience as a mother, and certified teacher, along with specialized training in birth & bereavement, Yoga Therapy, nervous system support, breathwork, and herbalism to our community.

Jen helps you stay on track, overcome your blocks, and widen your own capacity so you can show up for your kids. Plus she offers a wealth of support on how to work through trauma and harness the healing powers of plants, tinctures, and teas.

Aside from working with us, Jen also supports people through grief, pregnancy loss, trauma and post-traumatic stress, anxiety, addiction, and persistent pain.


Tina Jackson

FDN-P, specialist in sports nutrition, mental wellness & trauma

Tina is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner who also specializes in trauma coaching, mental wellness, sports nutrition, and female hormones.

She brings a background as a teacher of kids with higher needs and behavior struggles and also holds certifications in sports nutrition and compassionate inquiry.

Inside our membership, Tina is here to answer your questions, review lab work, and track protocols. She also offers PowerHour sessions for mothers to better understand their changing hormones. 


Lexy Feinstein

Nutrition Coach and Community Director

Lexy manages logistics for us and helps everyone stay on track with their membership, labs, and sessions.  Lexy has been studying the art of healing through food for over a decade.

Her particular interest is in how plants interact with the body and how we can use them to feel nourished during different phases of our lives.

She is here for all logistical needs and also offers specialized support for families who want to eat a plant-forward diet while also supporting the brain.


The Roadmap To Resilient Kids takes you from
Overwhelmed & Confused ==> Confident & Strategic in record time.

Let's get you started!


Choose An Option That's Right For You



$66/month; billed every 3 months


Our complete online curriculum of video, audio, handouts, graphics & guides 

Weekly group calls 

Monthly deep-dives

Live guest expert masterclasses & recording vault

Community chat

Support from amazing parents 


Amino Acids With Kids Quickstart material

10% Discount on Supplement Dispensaries

Access to lab packages and reviews

Member rates on private Momentum calls

Option to add Strategic Planning Session


Join Us!



$60/month; billed yearly

 Best Value

Our complete online curriculum of video, audio, handouts, graphics & guides

Weekly group calls

Monthly deep-dives

Live guest expert masterclasses & recording vault

Community chat

Support from amazing parents


Amino Acids With Kids Quickstart material

10% Discount on Supplement Dispensaries

Access to lab packages and reviews

Member rates on private Momentum calls

Option to add Strategic Planning Session

SuperImmune Kids online course access

Calm & Clear Kids online course access


Join Us!

Private Support


By Application Due To Limited Spots


9 months of full membership access PLUS: 

Personalized Strategy Map

6 Private strategy calls

Unlimited lab reviews

Lab reviews for kids

Lab summary document

Protocol tracking

Private chat with Jess (9 month access)

Unlimited retests and reviews within 9 months


>>> I still have questions <<<

What Families Experience
As They Follow Our Roadmap

"You've really helped me with the framework of how to approach adding more nutrients in without stirring up conflict. I feel more confident and have more energy as a mom!"


"Office Hours keep me on track and whenever I lose momentum I know I'll get encouragement. They're my little bit of "it's gonna be ok"so I can keep my feet on the ground"


"They're finally sleeping. I thought we had tried everything but now see how much of an influcence the biology piece is. What a big difference sleep makes!"


"Had an IEP the other day and the goals relating to her anxiety were removed because her anxiety is totally gone! Huge win!!"


"He's doing great. I'm really proud of how he's done with this and our home is a much calm place"


"You not only help me understand what's going on but you hold my hand through the real life struggles. I've never felt so supported"


"I can see how happy and rested and joyful he is on a much more regular basis. Diet changes, supplements, consistency....these have ultimately brought peace and joy to my son like we hadn't seen in years."


Work from the inside-out for stronger emotional and physical resilience!


Let's recap exaclty what our Members Get Access To...


Our Roadmap Curriculum


Lessons, Handouts, Checklists, Resources, & Graphics

Learn how to nourish the roots of resilient health by understanding how to support the 5 Core Nourishment Needs while unraveling the 5 Main Stressors that keep kids stuck. Our bank of graphic tools continues to grow so you can teach your kids healthy habits!

200+ Recipes for the Brain & Body

Curated with simplicity, gut health, blood sugar, and nourishment in mind, including recipes for special dietary concerns.

Community Support


Weekly Live Group 'Compass Calls'

To gain clarity, focus, and regroup so you maintain momentum and actually reach your goals. 

Private Community Chat

Finally... a community of parents who get you! Get your questions answered in real-time by our amazing community and coaches, celebrate wins, and vent frustrations. We're here for you!



Member Perks 


Guest Expert Experiences

Guest practitioners, experts, and parents come monthly to workshop their expertise so you better understand your kids and the opportunities available to help them. 

Supplement Dispensary Access & Discounts

Access professional brands plus our recommendations, protocols  & experience.



Private Support (optional)


Private Strategy & Momentum Sessions (add-ons)

Add a Strategy Mapping session if you need our help with Big Picture Planning. Add Momentum Sessions as private check-ins if you need them.

Functional Lab Menu (add-ons)

Access select Functional Lab tests à la carte along with expert reviews and recommendations. See the FAQ section on this page for a broad summary of what's available.

The Magic Our Members See Unfold...

  In their kids
  • Fewer Tantrums

  • Better Focus

  • Sounder Sleep

  • Less Anxiety

  • Better Poops

  • Fewer Sick Days

  • Less Tummy Pain

  • Better Appetite

   In themselves
  • More Clarity

  • More Confidence

  • Stronger Connection

  • Less Worry

  • More Enjoyment

  • More Calm

  • Less Tension

I'm ready to join!


Still Have Questions?


It takes a village (and a hefty dose of strategy) to raise a healthy, resilient child.

Our members get a Curriculum, Community, and  Coaching you won't find anywhere else.

We help you work at the roots to course-correct your family's health and wellbeing. I look forward to meeting you...