Why I Do What I Do
I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately, trying to tap in to the bigger picture of why I do what I do.
'Cause truth is, meal plans are boring. Food eliminations is boring. Biochemical pathways... kinda fascinating, but kinda boring.
What ignites me is moving people... shifting their perspective. Getting them unstuck. Showing them a different way. Helping them find their power.
I don't want you to be compliant with my nutritional recommendations, I want you to be empowered to embrace change.
I want you to become the master of your family's health.
I've spent my entire adult life working with families. I've worked with children, with parents, with special needs, with 'A' students, with dropouts, with troubled kids, with motivated kids...
Brené Brown talks about how she watches and creates theories out of peoples' lived experiences. Well, when I watch the lived experience of children here's what I see....
Every single child holds a boatload of potential. Possibilities we can't even imagine. They each hold the capacity to do great things and truly change the world. They just have no idea (until they do... and then... watch OUT for the explosion!)
Is this maybe why we smile when we see babies and toddlers? Maybe it's not just because they're cute. Maybe it's because they're so full of potential and life? Is this why we find it so heartbreaking when a child retreats into autism or depression? Is this why we get so frustrated and scared when a child lashes out in aggression?
I think our job is to help kids discover their power.
And here comes the theory.... children can only find their power and do great things if they are healthy.
They need healthy minds, healthy bodies, healthy relationships.
They need to know who they are, what they're capable of, feel a strong sense of agency. They need to be seen. Heard. Loved. Accepted. Nourished. That is what builds health. Then... and only then... they can do great things.
Abilities, disabilities, slow learners, fast learners, deficiencies, disorders... whatever the label... when our kids are healthy they can do great things.
It's parents - you and me - who can build health for our kids. We are the ones who can teach them what healthy eating is, what healthy living is, what taking care of their bodies and minds looks like, what healthy relationships are.
We are the ones who can bolster their intuitive sense of self and compassion and greatness.
Our kids are sentinels. Super absorbers. Reflectors. And this makes parenting the most profound self-development course of all time. It is what makes our kids our greatest teachers.
This is why I work with parents to build health inside their families.
In order to build you have to nourish. You have to clean up and put in place a solid structure. Then you fill in the rest.
So that's what we do in my coaching program and that's what my book's about.
Yes, I focus on how to use food. My books and programs are about healthy eating and healthy bodies; about the connection between food and behavior and about eating for brain health.
But really, the process of Raising Resilience is an invitation to listen. Listen to the call your children and making. Pay attention to what they're reflecting. Get back to basics and clean up so you can build.