When you can’t take another outburst, tantrum, or meltdown…

Anxiety Be-Gone!

Our Roadmap Navigates Your Child From Stress To Strength

Re-boot your child's nervous system, ease their stress, and improve their emotional resilience.

Apply To Work With Us Privately

Do you have an anxious child?

You’d do anything to get them to stop waking you up at night and making problems at school or getting in their own way with their habits and stresses and you just want them to eat a good meal and settle the heck down and be a normal kid??? 


This Roadmap Is Designed For YOU!

Parents find us and our Roadmap when they’re discouraged and drained
and want more for their kids.

They can’t make plans because their child is so unpredictable.

They’re walking on eggshells.

They love their kids but are exhausted by them.

They're worried their kids aren't getting the right foods.

They wonder about medications but want to know their options.

This was not how they imagined things.

They may feel like they’re failing their kids.

If that sounds familiar, I want you to take a deep breath. 

Things can get better. 

I know that because you're here. And you’re asking all the right questions…. 


What’s going on? 

Why is my child so stressed? 

Why isn't my love enough?

Why isn't what I'm doing working?

What can I do to help them feel better?


The real problem is that your child
is full of hidden stress you can't see. 

We Designed Our Roadmap For Parents Of Kids 4-18 Who Experience

  • Anxiety
  • Sadness
  • Aggression
  • Obsessive thoughts and behaviors
  • Outbursts
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Attention Problems
  • Moodiness
  • Other Emotional Struggles

Who Want

  • A custom plan
  • Functional lab testing
  • Parenting support
  • Accountability
  • Progress tracking

It's for parents who want unlock their child's inner calm and would rather keep them off medications if possible.

Here's What We Do

As parents follow our roadmap they help transition their kids from Meltdowns to Mindfulness in ways that are not addressed anywhere else.

They learn what's going on inside their child's body that's making it hard for them to cope and they follow our system to create a safe and positive environment around their kids, and the strongest, most robust environment inside their kids. 


Here's How We Do It

Parents learn to apply the 5 Core Nourishment Needs that bring messages of safety and calm to their child's nervous system, while reducing the 5 Main Hidden Stressors that keep kids revved up, stressed out, and shut down.


The result is a more emotionally flexible, resilient child, and a happier, more connected family.

Apply To Work With Us Privately

As You Follow Our Roadmap You'll Gain Deep Insight Into Your Child's Body So You Know Exactly How To Help Them Feel Calmer, More Focused, Happier, & Emotionally Resilient 

Overheard In Our Coaching Calls

Working through our Roadmap is not like seeing your doctor or therapist


Unlike a medical approach that aims to diagnose and fix a specific symptom, we take a whole-body approach that supports the entire child. 

Unlike most therapeutic approaches we understand behavior as a symptom of some deeper discomfort inside the body

Instead of labeling symptoms and playing whack-a-mole, we trust in the body’s innate wisdom to function well if it’s given what it needs and is not overloaded with stress. 

Instead of labeling a collection of behaviors as a diagnosis, we help you understand your child’s unique biology and find the leverage points to help them feel better. 

Instead of making you wait until your next visit or charging by the minute, we answer your questions in real-time through our coaching group and weekly calls.

Instead of feeling isolated and confused, you'll feel connected and confident.

Instead of focusing on "fixing your child", we consider your child in the context of their environment.


Key Concepts That Fuel Our Work

=> Kids do better when they feel better and they feel better when they do better

=> The body is intelligent. Behavior is a text message from the body to the outside world of some deeper discomfort

=> Relationship is a cornerstone to healthy child development 

=> The Body and the Brain work together to influence how we feel and behave

=> A child's external and internal environments work together to support who they become 

=> Kids co-regulate with those around them

=> When we understand our kids we can help them

Apply To Work With Us Privately

"He used to be angry, sad, anxious, aggressive and grumpy"


"This is my 7 year old son. I knew that the changes we were making were making a difference when friends and family started commenting on how happy he was.

Sometimes it's hard to really see the changes when you're so immersed in the every day of it all, but then I see this and I see how happy and rested and joyful he is on a much more regular basis.

Diet changes, supplements, consistency....these have ultimately brought peace and joy to my son like we hadn't seen in years. It's hard - but it's so, so, so worth it.

Thank you Jess for your continued support and encouragement."

          - Jenna, participant

Our Roadmap is a unique system that helps you ease your child’s stress from the inside-out and the outside-in

Here's More Of What Our Roadmap Families Are Experiencing...

"I'm So Proud! Big Improvements..."

"I'm blown away... she's loving life!"

"Very few violent outbursts!"

"Stress-Free the night before school starts!"

"I see a light at the end of the tunnel!"

Meet The Coaching Team

Jess Sherman, MEd, FDN-P, RHN

I'm a mother, a certified teacher, an international speaker, best-selling author, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner, and award-winning Registered Holistic Nutritionist™, board certified in Practical Holistic Nutrition. 

I've found that raising kids can be delightful and exhausting and that while they’re complex they're predictable at the same time.

I wrote Raising Resilience and created The Resilience Roadmap to fill a critical and unmet need that I saw with parents - they desperately want to help their children feel and function better but feel overwhelmed by all the moving parts.

Inside our Roadmap program, I mastermind your Strategic Map and personalize your protocols (Accelerated tier only) and facilitate one group implementation call each month. I work closely with the rest of the team to hold the complexity for you. We’ll be your strategic partners and connect the dots for you, freeing up the energy you spend wishing and wondering so you can focus on creating a more calm and connected home.

Lexy Feinstein

Lexy is our Community Care Coordinator and will be your accountability coach for all things to do with logistics.

She’ll make sure you stay on track with sessions and lab work, but we also call on Lexy to help families who are interested in safely implementing a plant-based diet that supports growth, resilience, and brain health in kids.

Lexy has been studying the art of healing through food for over a decade.

Jen Gillean

Clinical Herbalist, yoga therapist.

Jen is our implementation coach, here to help you maintain momentum.

She brings her experience as a mother, and certified teacher, along with specialized training in birth & bereavement, Yoga Therapy, and herbalism to support parents through this process of change.

Inside our Roadmap, Jen facilitates our weekly coaching calls and monthly implementation challenges and is also available to work with parents 1:1 to process trauma and support the stress response using Yoga therapy and botanical medicine. 

Aside from working with us, Jen also supports people through grief, post-traumatic stress, anxiety, addiction, and persistent pain.

Tina Jackson

FDN-P, specialist in sports nutrition, mental wellness & trauma.

Tina is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner who also specializes in trauma coaching, mental wellness, and sports nutrition. She brings to our clinic a background as a teacher of kids with higher needs and behavior struggles and also holds certifications in sports nutrition and compassionate inquiry. Inside our clinic Tina is the lead coach for the Fuel Your Athlete package and also supports families in the Gut Check and Neuro Check packages.


Here's What's Included:

Online Resouce Hub

9-months of access to our core curriculum through recorded modules:

Phase 1: Calm The Chaos: Ease The Most Pressing Physiological Pressures. 

We focus on The 5 Core Nourishment Needs, tactics for parenting high-needs kids, nutrition essentials, and easing The Trifecta: Picky eating, Constipation, Disturbed Sleep 

Phase 2: Assess The Stress: Relieve hidden physiological, environmental, and psychological stressors that keep kids stuck.

We balance nutrients, ease food reactions, manage sugar, gently detox, and support a positive gut-brain connection. 

Phase 3: Refine The Toolbox: Streamline your approach to supporting your kids in a modern world

We focus on understanding how your child gets stuck in a stressed state so you know exactly what they need as they grow.

1:1 Strategy Sessions & Chat

Private sessions to customize a plan including:

  • Strategy Mapping Session and written plan
  • Lab Reviews
  • Lab Summary document
  • Personalized Supplement Planning
  • Protocol Optimization
  • Private Chat Portal

You’ll understand your child better than ever before and learn specific tools to support them.  This is the ONLY way to get access to private chat for private support directly with Jess.

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Learn to apply the Roadmap concepts to your family dynamic. Example topics include:

  • Co-regulating with our kids
  • Staying calm in challenging situations
  • Ending dinner battles
  • Getting kids pooping
  • Food ideas

We don’t want you just learning stuff, we want you taking action. Our coach Jen will support you through weekly calls.

One call a month is guided by Jess. 

You can access these calls for 9 months when you need them.

Functional Lab Reviews

Functional labs are like windows into the body to explore the 5 Hidden Stressors that keep the nervous system stuck. We've identified the 5 stressors that have the greatest impact as:

  1. Nutrient imbalances
  2. Food reactions
  3. Gut microbiome imbalance
  4. Clogged detoxification pathways
  5. Hidden infections

Lab Reviews For Kids

For older kids and teens keen to understand their body and how to support it, we will video review their labs for them using language that is:

⭐︎ Positive 

⭐︎ Empowering

⭐︎ Simple

...so they understand exactly what they can do to feel awesome.

Simple Recipes

Unlock 200+ nourishing recipes curated with picky eaters and busy parents in mind. Recipe examples:

  • Healing meat and vegetable stocks done right
  • Fortified pumpkin hummus to feed the brain
  • Basic Breakfast Milkshake for better blood sugar
  • Gluten-free cinnamon raisin bread
  • And more!!

Discover the power of good nutrition and learn to add nourishing foods in before ever taking any challenging foods out!

Nervous System Support

Learn to work in collaboration with your nervous system and help your kids do the same for:

  • Better sleep
  • Better emotional stability
  • Sounder decision making
  • Better communication
  • Better co-regulation
  • Happier days, more peaceful nights

Tools To Teach Kids

Empowering infographics to help your kids understand their bodies and how to nourish themselves. Some examples:

  • How to build the perfectly balanced smoothie
  • Fueling your body
  • How to “eat the rainbow”
  • Factors influencing weight
  • Core nourishment needs
  • Packing a healthy lunch

Use these to teach your kids how to nourish their bodies so they’re equipped for a lifetime of good health. 

Implementation Challenges

Our fun, interactive group challenges that emphasize nourishment help you make changes stick. Topics have included:

  • Hydration & water quality
  • Movement & play
  • Sleep routines
  • Navigating the holidays
  • Better breakfasts
  • And more!!

These are done in our private Facebook group which is a safe place to learn, connect, and share with other families who are also raising challenging kids.  

Plus..... Enjoy These Bonuses!


Access 10+ expert masterclasses on specialty topics specific to parents ranging from essential oils to sensory integration to the biology of trauma, and so much more! 


Enjoy 10% off all high-quality and professional-grade supplements purchased from our convenient online dispensaries while you work with us. Many are formulated specifically for kids!


Home Fermentation

You'll be shocked to see how easy and inexpensive it is to make your own gut-friendly ferments at home. Enjoy this tutorial so you can make fermented foods your kids will actually eat!



You've Got Questions, I'm Sure!

More Glimpses Of What's Possible!

"I finally see my sweet little boy!"

"Profound shifts!"

"The kids are engaged and happy! Decision fatigue is gone!"

"Our son feels empowered. Our home is much calmer."

"Significant progress in three months!"

"Last year this kind of recovery would have been impossible for him!"

We work privately with a limited number of families.
To apply please tell us about your situation and book an application call.

(takes about 3 minutes)

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